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Compressed Air Foam System
RubrikFeuerwehrtechnik zurück
ThemaCAFS und Wasser war Verteiler mit 2 B-Eingängen5 Beiträge
AutorRein8er 8H., Rosport / Entfällt533933
Datum07.01.2009 23:18      MSG-Nr: [ 533933 ]2093 x gelesen

Geschrieben von Harald KnoblochIch habe dazu eine Privatmeinung, die sich nicht unbedingt mit der Meinung meines Amtsleiters decken muss.

Na denn,....Ich hab zwar auch eine Privatmeinung dazu aber die behalt ich mal für mich. Viel interessanter weil aussagekräftiger scheint mir das Statement von Steve Huggins, dem Gewerkschaftssekretär der Feuerwehr von East-Sussex zu sein. In dem Bereich wurde CAFS massiv angeschafft da die "Oberste Heeresleitung" sich davon überzeugt gab. Ich hab den Text schon mal gepostet aber ich tu es gerne noch mal.....zur Mahnung kommender Generationen von Katalog-Gläubigen.

Hi Reiner,

Obviously I have received your email!

The main problems we have had lately are reliability, with a number of
occasions of foam failure inside compartments. The cause of these
failures have been varied, from blocked filters, a design fault on how
the system was fitted to our appliances and a change in specification to
the hosereel which caused the hosereel to kink and restrict foam output.

Our advice would be to ensure a strict maintenance program and a good
installation design. We have found we have to inspect filters monthly
and often have to have them changed.

Regarding your concerns, we have ensured that 1:7 foam is only one of
the methods we use to firefight. Originally it was sold to us as the
only firefighting medium necessary but we have discovered over time that
it is of no use on vehicle fires and fuel fires, amongst others. It is
great to knock fires down but not so good at putting them out! We
frequently have to use water to fully extinguish the fire. As a result
we have 1 water hosereel, 1 foam hosereel and the normal water hose

Something that Schmitt may not tell you! We have discovered there is a
large environmental impact of the actual 1:7 foam. The English
Environmental Agency has insisted that when we train it does not enter
the water course, as it removes a lot of oxygen from water as the foam
decomposes. We have had to install special holding tanks on all our fire
stations at considerable cost. It seems we have to try and block drain
holes at incidents as well and let it decompose before it gets washed

I hope this helps and is considered an act of international and
professional solidarity. I am on leave for the next 2 weeks and out of
the UK but will catch up on any further emails on my return.

I hope you manage to put a balanced view forward to any prospective
buyers and they don't get the same all round sales pitch as we both got.
It is a good tool but not the answer to everything.

Yours in Unity,

Steve Huggins
FBU Brigade Secretary for East Sussex

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 06.01.2009 16:55 Hara7ld 7K., Augsburg Verteiler mit 2 B-Eingängen
 06.01.2009 20:36 Mich7ael7 B.7, Münsingen
 07.01.2009 10:44 Cars7ten7 K.7, Hambühren
 07.01.2009 22:56 Hara7ld 7K., Augsburg
 07.01.2009 23:18 Rein7er 7H., Rosport
 08.01.2009 08:06 Ulri7ch 7C., Düsseldorf


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