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ThemaFeuerwehrmann gegen Drohne ;-)1 Beitrag
AutorJürg8en 8M., Weinstadt / Baden-Württemberg833559
Datum08.09.2017 12:55      MSG-Nr: [ 833559 ]2163 x gelesen


In Florida hatten Feuerwehrleute bei einem Brandeinsatz anscheinend die Schnauze voll und "spritzten" eine Drohne ab:

JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA — The owner of a drone says he's thousands of dollars out of pocket after firefighters at the scene of a house fire attacked his beloved toy with a high-pressure hose on June 4. The fire department says it regarded the drone as an obstruction and a breach of privacy.

John Thompson, the owner of the drone, claimed he was well-within his rights to operate the flying toy where he did. He also said that his drone did not interfere with the firefighters' work.

The Federal Aviation Administration does not have strict rules about drones, but requires civilian users to visit the website of 'Know Before You Fly', an educational campaign for recreational drone users.

MkG Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt

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 08.09.2017 12:55 Jürg7en 7M., Weinstadt


Feuerwehrmann gegen Drohne ;-) - Feuerwehr-Forum / © 1996-2017, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt