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ThemaWas zum Nachdenken....19 Beiträge
AutorJan 8S., Wallenhorst / 679733
Datum03.05.2011 18:00      MSG-Nr: [ 679733 ]9665 x gelesen
  • 03.05.11 Allzeit bereit: Wir sind ihre größte und einizge Chance! [mit Bild]

  • Hier die Informationen zum Bild:

    As far as the story behind the picture goes; the fire came in about 5am on 08/25/97. It was a second alarm in a three story wood frame. First arriving companies were greeted by occupants in the street and confirmation of people trapped on the first floor. There was heavy fire involvement on the first and second floors in the rear. Firefighters pulled a total of three people out of that fire. One an adult, the grandmother of the kids died. The other two were children, the one pictured and an additional survived. The children were revived in the street. I had a picture of the firemen working on the child published on the front page of the newspaper also. The cause of the fire was one of the children playing with a lighter. The parents sued the lighter manufacturer and won. This is the reason why we have the additional button on the lighter now.

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     02.05.2011 23:36 Hans7i S7., Korntal-Münchingen
     02.05.2011 23:50 ., Viskafors
     03.05.2011 07:18 Holg7er 7E., Hofheim
     03.05.2011 07:38 ., München
     03.05.2011 13:03 Jürg7en 7M., Weinstadt
     03.05.2011 14:31 Udo 7B., Aichhalden
     03.05.2011 15:13 ., Frankfurt
     03.05.2011 16:53 Urs 7M., Blaustein
     05.05.2011 17:48 ., Döbeln
     03.05.2011 18:00 Jan 7S., Wallenhorst
     03.05.2011 21:35 Sven7 G.7, Blankenstein
     04.05.2011 13:21 Thom7as 7K., Hermeskeil
     04.05.2011 08:28 ., Bad Hersfeld
     04.05.2011 10:02 Chri7sti7an 7T., Recklinghausen/ Fw. Herten
     04.05.2011 10:48 Jürg7en 7M., Weinstadt
     04.05.2011 10:53 Lars7 T.7, Oerel
     04.05.2011 20:31 ., Dortmund
     04.05.2011 21:05 Joer7g S7., Karlsruhe
     21.05.2011 02:48 Manu7el 7S., Heiligenhafen


    Was zum Nachdenken.... - Feuerwehr-Forum / © 1996-2017, - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jürgen Mayer, Weinstadt