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ThemaFlugzeugabsturz San Francisco10 Beiträge
AutorJürg8en 8M., Weinstadt / Baden-Württemberg772327
Datum07.09.2013 03:16      MSG-Nr: [ 772327 ]1860 x gelesen


interessant: p.gifVideo sheds light on Flight 214 passenger's death

The San Francisco Fire Department supervisors who took charge of the Asiana Airlines Flight 214 crash scene were not alerted by firefighters that a 16-year-old passenger had been found near the plane, leaving them powerless to prevent the girl from being run over by a rig after she was covered by fire-retardant foam, footage of the incident shows.

The footage was recorded by a camera mounted on the helmet of a battalion chief who took charge of the firefighting and rescue response within an hour after the Boeing 777 crashed at San Francisco International Airport on July 6.

The footage reveals what Battalion Chief Mark Johnson did and was told at the scene. It also shows in graphic detail the events that ended with crash survivor Ye Meng Yuan being crushed by a foam-spraying rig. [...]

MkG Jürgen Mayer

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